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Registration for "Computer Algorithms in Algebra"

When: Sundays 1pm to 3pm
Where: The Clinton School, 10 E15 St, Manhattan, NY (map). Room 412.
Instructor: Dr. Alexey Ovchinnikov.
Registration fee: $150. (Fee may be reduced based on financial need; see FAQ).

This registration is for the waiting list only. We will email you if a spot opens up.

Parental consent is required.

Required fields are bold.


(as of Fall 2023)   Gender: M F

The student’s parent or legal guardian must read and fill out the portion below:

I am giving permission for the student named above to attend classes at New York Math Circle. I acknowledge that I am aware of the nature of the program, and I assume all risks associated with participation. I also agree to take full responsibility for the student’s transportation to and from the site. I understand that students may have their participation terminated if they fail to observe reasonable rules of good conduct, or if they disrupt the learning of others. I also acknowledge that participation in NYMC is completely voluntary and will not result in academic credit.

I confirm that I am the student's parent or legal guardian, and that I agree with the above.

